5 days to left of this Price
Master the various aspects of Azure and develop your expertise in cloud computing solutions.
Azure Functions
IAAS Cloud Computing
Students, graduates, working professionals, net worker and programmer.
Basic knowledge of programming.
Lab 1: - Azure, Cloud, SAAS, PAAS and IAAS.
Lab 2:- SQL Server on Azure ( DTU & EDTU)
Lab 3: - Azure Functions.
Lab 4: - Azure storage (Blobs, Table, File and Queue).
Lab 5: - Azure Cosmos DB
Lab 6: - Microservices & Azure Fabric
Lab 7: - Azure tables, Partition and Row keys.
Lab 8: - Block blobs, Append blobs & Page blobs.
Lab 9: - Azure Queues, visibility timeouts, Peek & De-Queue.
Lab 10: - Cloud services vs App services.
Lab 11: - WebJob and background processing.
Lab 12: - Azure DevOps using Azure Pipeline.
Lab 13: - Microservices using Docker and Azure.
Lab 14: - Azure Virtual Network(VNET) and Network Security Groups(NSG).