The Step into Robotic Process Automation (RPA) course is intended to introduce RPA to students. The course assumes no prior knowledge of RPA. The course takes a use-case approach. It begins by defining a real-world, generic problem and how it's solved in a non-RPA environment. The course goes on to teach skills that enable the students to create a robot using free UiPath software (Academic Alliance Edition) to automate the solution. The course is aproximately 4-hours duration.
Basics of Robotic Process Automation
Identify processes which can be automated
Develop and deploy basic robots independently using UiPath RPA Platform (Academic Alliance Edition)
Students, graduates, working professionals and programmer.
To understand and complete the course successfully the student must have basic knowledge of computers.
Uipath Components and Extensions
Scraping, Conditions and Loops in Uipath
Basic Automation Workflows